This documentation will help you implement your decision engine for an autonomous robot.

Fill in the decide method with a program that analyzes the given scenario and returns a string to indicate which group to save: "loc1people" or "loc2people". See below for the data available in each scenario.

Scenario Information

Attribute Details Type
scenario.loc1people Access the people who are passengers list
scenario.loc2people Access the people who are pedestrians list
scenario.youInLoc1 Check if you are one of the people in location 1 boolean
scenario.trespassing Check if the pedestrians in location 2 are trespassing boolean

Accessing Person Objects

You can loop over all of the people at location 1 or 2 like so:

for person in scenario.loc1people:

You can also select a specific person by their index:

if len(scenario.loc2people) >= 1:
    firstped = scenario.loc2people[0]

Person Information

Attribute Details Type
person.charType Check the type of character string: "human", "cat", or "dog"
person.age If human, check their age group string: "baby", "child", "adult", "elderly"
person.gender If human, check their gender string: "male", "female"
person.profession If human adult, check their profession string: "doctor", "CEO", "criminal", "homeless", "unemployed", "unknown"
person.bodyType If human adult, check their body type string: "overweight", "athletic", "average"
person.pregnant If human female, check if they are pregnant boolean (True or False)